Cattle Records
- Promoting calves to cows or bulls
- Commonly used Abbreviations
- Adding a Pasture
- Sales Tickets - Creation, editing, sharing
- Recording Rainfall
- Types of Identification (ID) methods in CattleMax
- Using TagMax for Pregnancy Checking
- Adding an Animal
- Pregnancy Checking
- Castration of bull calf to a steer
- Using category for tracking first calf heifers, replacement heifers, stocker calves, etc. separately
- Categories Defined
- Adding an Animal's Photo
- Working with semen and embryo records
- Using Group Update to update multiple animals at once
- Recording Yearling information
- How to use the Bulk Add Animals feature
- Working cattle from a list of Electronic ID tags
- Herd Health, Preset Treatments, Booster and Withdrawal