Promoting calves to cows or bulls
When you decide that a calf should enter the mature herd, either as a cow (replacement heifer**) or bull, the animal needs to be promoted. Promoting changes the animal type from Calf to Bull or Calf to Cow, depending on the animal’s sex.
Promoting multiple animals at once
Select the animals from a Group or a Pasture. The calves must have the Sex assigned before they can be promoted. Steers will remain as calves even though you may select them to be promoted.
From an animal list screen, simply check the checkboxes by one or more animals.
Click Update Selected Animals, then choose Record Calfhood Procedures, click Continue.
You can fill out any of the information that is on the popup, but if you are promoting this animal(s) be sure to check the box next to Promote.
When you are finished filling out this popup, click Record Calfhood Procedures and your animals are promoted in the herd.
Promoting one animal at a time from their detail page
Open the animal's detail page > Record New Activity button > select Promote to Cows or Promote to Bulls (depending on whether or not the animal is a heifer or bull).
**To learn how to use category for tracking first-calf heifers or replacement heifers, view this article: Using Category for Tracking Heifers