How to use the Bulk Add Animals feature

Have your cattle records on paper? Entering them can be quick and easy using the Bulk Add Animals process that is available in CattleMax.  

TIP: When adding animals using Bulk Add is the most efficient time to add as much information as possible on each animal if you don't have a spreadsheet to import.

Select the Cattle Tab from the left side of the screen and then select Add New > Bulk Add Animals.  

After choosing Bulk Add Animals, you can choose the fields that are the same for all animals in the left and then what fields are unique to each animal on the right. Specify what method of identification you will use: ear tag, EID, etc.  In the big box on the bottom, you enter each animal ID or copy and paste from a spreadsheet to add animals.  Only one ID per line.  After the animals are listed, click the Continue to next step button.

After filling in all the information you asked for, simply click Create Animals to add them to your herd.

Should you need any extra help be sure to email us at or call us at 1-800-641-2343.

Watch a short video.


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