Customizing CattleMax / Account Settings

Customizing your CattleMax Account helps save time and effort with your record keeping.  

** IMPORTANT: Make sure to click UPDATE at the bottom of the page each time you finish making a change to your account settings.

Clicking the picture in the upper left corner of screen will open the My Info section.  It can also be accessed by clicking the gear icon and select My info. You can update your email, password, and even add a photo (avatar). 

The settings will all be located under the Gear Icon in the upper left corner of the screen.

The Account settings will be used to customize your account settings and prefill information. This is the information you provided when you first set up your CattleMax account.  


  • Name* - The name of the account.
  • Account Address - This is the URL that is used for signing into the account.
  • Language - This sets the date, currency, and measurement formats.

Cattle Records

The Cattle Records area is for setting up your navigation settings in your cattle records file. You can keep your navigation area organized by showing (or not showing) these areas. Any field with a checkmark next to it will be visible in your account.  If you choose to remove a checkmark, data is not lost; it is simply not visible until you place the checkmark to activate that field again.


  • Select the means of identification you use for your cattle. The selected fields are listed on the animal's individual information screen.

Display Animals By

  • Select the primary means of identification used for your cattle.

Cattle Records Area

  • Allows you to display or hide record areas of information in CattleMax.

Record Preferences 

  • Calculate Adjusted Measurements - Enable calculation of adjusted weights and frame scores using BIF standards. You probably want this disabled if you are importing data from your breed association.

Timeline Preferences

  • Select items to include or exclude from the animal's timeline (Latest Activity) that is displayed on the animal's individual information screen.

Default Values 

  • Choose default values for auto-fill when adding animals. These can be overridden on the animal's individual information screen.
Custom Fields 
  • Custom fields are user-defined fields and are displayed on the lower right of the animal's individual information screen. Custom fields can be included in most Inventory reports but not used to filter (meaning all custom field information will appear within the same column in a report).

Contact Records


  • These are tags that can be assigned to customers and are helpful in grouping customers together. Examples would be Buyers, Vendors, etc.

Custom Fields

  • These are Contact Custom Fields that CattleMax does not already track in the account Contacts area. These custom fields are displayed in the Contact's detail area.


Breed Associations- If you are using a Registered plan, enable breed association integrations by going to the Breeds screen, clicking your breed, and then clicking the 'Edit Breed' link.

Canadian Cattle Identification Agency (CCIA)- Generate files for Canadian Cattle Identification Agency's Canadian Livestock Tracking System including birth registration, retirement, and movements.

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