Registering calves from CattleMax to a Breed Association
Electronic registration of calves from your CattleMax file with a breed association is, in most ways, the same, no matter what breed association. And, the registration process is the generation of a file, in a format compatible with the particular breed association, and the submission of that file to the breed registry.
The user will need to read the particular breed association help document to confirm electronic registration of calves with the association is possible along with the necessary steps.
After selecting the breed association as the CattleMax interface in the user's account, (Enabling Breed Association Interfaces), new calves entered into the file which are eligible to be registered will appear on the breed interface page. Get to that page by going to Cattle > View all groups and interfaces > select your breed interface.
One of the common errors shown on the calf registration page is failure to have the breed association member number on the calf record. Here is how you can get that done:
Add your association member number in the contact area of CattleMax
To do this click on More then choose Contacts.
Find and click on the account administrator's name then click on Edit Contact.
Type in your association(s) member ID number(s) then click on Update Contact.
Produce the file for submission of calf registrations
In the screenshot above, the first calf on the list has Errors indicated. That means something the breed association requires to be in the registration file is not on that particular calf's record. It is easy to see what's missing on 901G's record (CE-Calving Ease). To correct the error, click the Edit link, enter the Calving Ease code for the animal, click update; the Errors will change to a checkbox, as is seen on the other two animals in this screenshot.
Once all errors are corrected, the user can check the boxes for the animals to be submitted for registration > click the Download Electronic Registration File of Selected Animals > save the file to your computer (preferably the Desktop) > then attach the file to an email and send to the association, or, in some cases, go to the breed association website to upload the file.
NOTE: Only animals that have a checkmark next to them will be put into the file to send to the association for registration.
TIP: If an animal is not to be registered and you want to remove the animal from the registration list on the breed interface, you have two options. Option 1: Go to the individual animal record > Edit Animal > put something into the Reg Num box, such as Commercial, or whatever you choose > Update Animal. Any animal with information in their registration number field will not show on the interface list. Option 2: Go to the individual animal record > Edit Animal > change their breed to Commercial or Cross, or whatever you choose > Update Animal. Only animals with that breed will show on a particular breed interface screen.
See your respective breed association help article for particulars regarding downloading calf registration numbers, EPDs, and performance information after registration is accomplished.