Breed Association Interfaces Overview
Reduce your record keeping time, Organize your records in one place, and Maximize your potential profit.
Breed association interface options include:
- Import your herd inventory, including active animals, weights, EPDs, 3-gen pedigrees from your association into CattleMax
- Sync the association data with your animals already in CattleMax who have matching registration numbers.
- Import updated performance data including EPDs, adjusted weights, and ultrasound data.
- Electronically register cattle using the spreadsheet template based on information in your CattleMax account.
*Each breed interface is set up differently based on the breed association's connectivity. Please check your breed's specific help article to see each feature they may offer.
Here's how to enable Breed Association Interfaces
Learn more about how CattleMax works with U.S. breed associations and Canadian breed associations
Don't see an interface with your breed association? Contact us and we'll be glad to help.
For your security and privacy, your breed association does not have access to your CattleMax account. You have complete control regarding who has access to your records by creating user logins. All data that is generated through a breed interface in CattleMax (such as electronic registrations) is in an electronic file that you are able to review before sending or submitting to your association. No data is automatically imported or exported to ensure you have control over your herd management data.