Setup Integration with Gallagher
We are pleased to announce a new partner integration with Gallagher. This integration enables you to import weigh scale and EID sessions directly from Gallagher Animal Performance, saving you time and hassle of downloading and uploading CSV files.
Be sure you have a Gallagher Animal Performance Software account and have sessions uploaded from your devices to have Sessions available for this process.
Here's how to set up the integration:
From the Dashboard of your CattleMax account, go to Settings and then click on Partner Integrations
On this page, click on the Gallagher logo
The next page allows you to click on the green bar to start the connection to your Animal Performance Software.
You will be prompted to enter your Gallagher email address and password. CattleMax does not store this information.
Once you are logged in, you will get a confirmation of which account(s) you are connected to.
After confirming that you are connected to the proper account, click Cattle on the Navigation Menu in CattleMax, then click Import Data.
On the popup, select the Gallagher link.
This will open the import screen where you select the area to import, check your Farm Account Name, and pick your Session, Animal Status, and Animal type. Then click Import
The last section allows you to match the columns from your Session import file to the fields in CattleMax.
After the column headings are matched, then click Continue to Validation. At this point, CattleMax will verify the data and let you know if there are any errors or if the data is ready to import. If there are no errors, then click Import Data, and your weights or EIDs will be imported into your CattleMax account.