Pairing a Tru-Test EID reader to TagMax using an Android device

Efficiently scan & process Cattle with your  Android phone or tablet

TagMax enables you to scan an animal’s EID tag and either store it in a TagMax session or lookup the animals in your CattleMax account.

Before getting started, please make sure your device and RFID reader are up to date with the most recent software & filmware.  Also, make sure TagMax is completely closed.

  1. Make the Bluetooth pair using the Bluetooth settings on your device (phone or tablet)
  2. After the pair is made, turn off the EID reader
  3. Turn on the EID reader
  4. Open TagMax and then open a session
  5. Click the Bluetooth icon at the top of the session page and select your Tru-Test EID reader from the dropdown list. 
  6. TagMax will make the Bluetooth connection - which will be displayed at the top in the green bar
  7. Optional - Select "Automatically Connect on Start" and you can skip steps 5 and 6 next time
  8. Scan your animals EID and collect your data

For more information, visitTagMax.comor download from the Google Play Store.

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