AHA Interface: Importing Calf Crop EPDs
The importing of Calf Crop EPDs is a process done after the calves are recorded or weaning/yearling/ultrasound information is processed. A Calf Crop EPD file contains only animals within that crop, as opposed to the entire herd.
The Calf Crop EPD process imports registration numbers for calves who do not yet have their registration number imported, updates adjusted weights and contemporaries, and updates EPDS.
Finding Your Calf Crop EPDs on your myHERD.com Member Login page
Your Calf Crop EPD file can be accessed from your myHERD.com Member Login page under Jobs and Reports > Review Reports and CSVs.
Downloading your Calf Crop EPD file
Select Performance and Inventory or Data Extracts and CSV's in the drop-down list under Select Report Category. Select the file named 'nnnnn_ssss_EPDS.DAT' (where nnnnn is your member number and ssss is the year and season). Click on the file name to download it to your computer. Be sure to pick a place where you can find the file for the import process into CattleMax.
Importing your Calf Crop EPD file into CattleMax
Now that you have downloaded your EPD file, let's log into your CattleMax account. From the menu on the left side of the screen, click 'Cattle', then choose American Hereford Associaton from the list of Breed Interfaces in the lower right corner of the screen.
From the American Hereford Association Interface screen:
- Click the Import EPDs link
- Click Choose file and select the inventory file you just downloaded from AHA
- Click Update Performance checkbox
- Click Update EPDs
Note: CattleMax will import registration numbers for unregistered calves when importing EPD files. CattleMax matches the unregistered calf to the EPD file based on: Birthdate, Private Herd Number or Ear Tag must match AHA, and Dam (donor if ET) Registration Number matches AHA Registration Number.
If any of this information is incomplete, you will need to complete the information and then re-import the file.
Once you click on Import EPDs, you will receive the following message indicating your information in CattleMax was updated successfully.