Selling Semen and Embryos

Users will first need to be sure the Show Semen Inventory and Show Embryo Inventory is turned on (checkmark showing in checkbox) at My Account > Account Settings > Cattle Records > Cattle Record Areas > place the checkmark as needed to show each area > scroll to the bottom to click on Update Account.

Semen Sales

To record semen sales you will have to visit the Bull's record to add the sale information.

On the Bull's record, choose the Semen Tab.  Then scroll down to the Semen Sales section, choose New Semen Sale and record your sales information.

If the sold semen straw was noted to be in a tank, you will then have to manually subtract that sold straw from the tank to keep your semen straw count accurate.  Click on the Activities tab > Semen and Embryos > select the appropriate tank > select the bull > Edit > update the number of Units > Update Semen.

Embryo Sales

To sell embryos click on the Cattle tab and then select the Embryos button. 

There are a few ways to sell embryos.  You can select from the Donor cow or the Tank the embryos are in

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