AHA Interface: Importing and Updating Herd Inventories

The CattleMax American Hereford Association (AHA) interface is centered around TPR and calf crops and therefore herd inventories must be created before calf registration, weaning, and yearling information can be submitted.  It is important that AHA flags your account as a “PC User” to ensure these download files are available.

Downloading & updating your Inventory File (INVENT.DAT file)

  1. Log into MyHerd.org account.
  2. Locate the menu options at the top of the screen. Click on “Jobs & Reports”
  3. Click on the down arrow next to “Please Select from Generated reports” and then click on “Data Extracts and CSVs”

  4. A list of files will appear.  Select the file name:  yourassociationnumber_year_season(spring or fall)INVENT.DAT.  Double clicking on the file name will download it to your computer.

  5. Log into your CattleMax account, click on ‘Cattle’ in the menu on the left side of the screen and go to the American Hereford Association interface in the lower right corner of the screen.  Click on ‘Import Herd Inventory’ and browse to find your INVENT.DAT file that you downloaded earlier.

  6. Review your TPR inventory in CattleMax by clicking on the inventory count link.

  7. To indicate that a cow is not exposed or to change her season, simply move your mouse over her record and click Edit. When submitting your inventory, this information will be included in the export file.
  8. Also note that any animals that were disposed of (sold or died) that have not yet been disposed of at AHA will be included, along with their disposal date and disposal code.
  9. If you need to add a cow to the inventory, simply click the “Add/Remove Animals” link.

  10. Click the ‘Download Inventory Export File’ and save the DAT file to your computer.  Email that DAT file to erecords@hereford.org.  In the email ask records to use the attached DAT file to update your TPR inventory.  Once they update your TPR inventory, it takes approximately 1 business day for your OUT.DAT file to be available. 

 Downloading your Final Inventory File (OUT.DAT file)

1. Log into MyHerd.org account.
2. Locate the menu options at the top of the screen. Click on “Jobs & Reports”
3. Click on the down arrow next to “Please Select from Generated reports” and then click on “Data Extracts and CSVs

4.     A list of files will appear.  Select the file with the file description of SPRING(or FALL)OUT (file name will be yourassociationnumber_year_season(spring or fall)OUT.DAT  Double clicking on the file name will download it to your computer

 Importing your Final Inventory File in to CattleMax

  1. Open your Cattlemax account
  2. Click on Cattle in the menu on the left side of the screen
  3. Choose American Hereford Association from under the Industry Data Interface section  
  4. Click “Import Herd Inventory” and click ‘browse’ to select the file you saved to your computer.  Be sure to notice the file format for each import section.  Your file must be in this format to import properly

  5. Click “Import Inventory” to finish the task. NOTE: When importing records, please wait until the import is complete before entering any records into your CattleMax Account.  You will receive an email from CattleMax indicating the import is complete.
  6. As calves are entered into CattleMax from the calving screen on the dashboard or through the offspring tab of the cow, they will automatically appear in the TPR Form 1.  If the calves were entered into CattleMax prior to the download of your TPR inventory, click the “Add/Remove Animals” link to add calves to the group. The calves will then appear on the Form 1 list for registration.


You have now downloaded your herd inventory and imported your herd inventory file in to your CattleMax account.  You can view and manage electronic submissions for this calf crop from the American Hereford Interface screen in CattleMax.

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