Error when trying to log in to account

If you are having problems logging in to your account and have verified that you are using the correct username and password, there may be an additional setting on your computer preventing you from logging in.

Please ensure your web browser has cookies enabled.

CattleMax requires cookies to securely store your login session details. Sometimes computers or mobile devices will disable cookies. Cookies are files created by websites you visit. They make your online experience easier by saving browsing information. With cookies, sites can keep you signed in, remember your site preferences, and give you locally relevant content.

Other problems associated with logging into your CattleMax account may be:

1.  Entering an incorrect URL (address) for your account.  For example, if there has been more than one account created, additional account URLs will include a number.  For example, you have two accounts created with the same ranch name - the second account will have a URL  So, be sure you are entering the correct account address.

2. With Cookies enabled, if you select an address from the prefill option (dropdown as you type the name), your computer may be taking you to an incorrect URL.  To get by that problem, you may need to follow these instructions:

A. Type out your correct URL ( in the address line of your web browser. Click Enter. Do not type it into the search only box. And, be sure to type it all the way out, don't click on a previous attempt at logging in which may pop up (autofill).  

That should take you to the CattleMax sign in for your account. 

B. Enter your email address that is linked to the CattleMax account and password (if you can remember it). If you have forgotten your password, you will want to click on the forgot password link. An email will be sent to your email address and you will then follow that link to reset it. We (CattleMax support) don't have the ability to change or see passwords. 

That should take you to the Dashboard in your CattleMax account.

If problems logging in persist, you may need to clear the CattleMax cookies.  If you are using Google Chrome, you can delete your CattleMax cookies by following the steps below.

Start by clicking on the three little vertical dots in the upper right-hand corner to bring up the Chrome menu > click on More Tools > Clear Browsing Data > Select the appropriate time range and which items you want to clear up (make sure "Cookies and Other Site Data" is checked) > Clear Data. 

Then, try logging in.  If you are using another browser, you should be able to clear out the CattleMax Cookie in much the same manner.

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